Thursday, November 3, 2011


I know, I know, every city I write about seems to be my favorite. But really, this one was the cream of the crop, for lack of a better cliche. I really loved Bar"thh"elona (as the locals say it), it IS a lisp, regardless of what my roommate Hanna Surman says. From the paella (rice with seafood and spices) to the sagrata familia, to the beautiful ocean Barcelona had it all.
We skipped class on Thursday and headed to the aiport in Pisa (about a 65 minute train ride) for our flight which was leaving around 1pm. There was 8 of us girls traveling/staying together, though we did run into other GIF kids. It was  By the time we arrived in the Barcelona Airport and took the bus to our hostel it was around 5pm. Our hostel, equity point, was located so close to "Las Ramblas" which is like the main part of the city with awesome shopping, restaurants; it has a big sidewalk in the center of it, so you literally feel like you're walking in the middle of things. There's something about the buzz of Barcelona, like there's definitely a hum to the streets. To me, it was a hustle and bustle, but not like how Paris was, or Florence either. It was a nice combonation of people on the go, but these same people who also take every day to have a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. It's the perfect balance, we've already discussed my new found love of naps!
We got to our hostel to regroup, and decided to head out to walk around looking for food. We knew that Spaniards don't eat till god-awful late, but after a day of traveling, food was necessary at Italian time! So we headed to Las Ramblas and walked around. We asked a woman at the hostel where good tapas were, she directed us to the street (pictured above) which was cool. But when we got to the place, we found it wasn't quite what we were looking was more of a hole in the wall, and tapas didn't sound filling enough! (we hadn't eaten since breakfast really, and we all know how i get sans food, it equals sans happiness). We ended up walking into a place which offered Paella & Sangria for 6euro! Sign ME UP! We got a table for 8 upstairs. Unfortunately the sign on the menu was no accurate, and we ended up getting Paella, a typical Spanish dish of rice and spices! It was incredible! It came in a giant pan, and we ate the whole thing right up. It was so delicious, it was spicy with tons of seafood in it. I could have possibly eaten the whole thing myself. We also got 2 liters for the price of 1 of Sangria, since the waiter felt bad that we didn't understand the sign. It was so dangerously good. Plus it came with these super long straws so how could you not have fun??

After that, we headed to a bar we had heard good things about. It was called the "black sheep" it was only around 9:30, but we were so tired and knew we couldn't make it to the Barcelonan crazy hours of the night. But we HAD to order the tower of sangria, which is 5 liters of sangria. One friend of ours wasn't feeling well, so we split it between the 7 of us. It was really good, for about 2 glasses, then I started to feel like I was drinking cough syrup. It was worth (and slight headache) the experience though.

The group split up to walk around more, but by 11pm I was calling it quits. I knew we wanted to be up early so I headed back with the early bird crew. We there finally meet our 2 other roomates (2 were missing) since we shared a hostel room with 4 other girls. Interesting experience, which I was NOT prepared for. Not that Mom didn't load me up with all the hostel essential items prior to my leaving: quick dry towel, pillow, sleeping bag, locks for valuables etc. I just ENTIRELY forgot all these things. So yes, I drip dryed after my shower, and slept on top of a sheet the hostel gave me, and used my jacket as a blanket. Which sounds awful, but being on the SIXTH floor of a hostel with a broken heater (and let me clarify, this type of broken means it wouldn't turn off...) so I was more than warm. In fact probably too warm! Anyways the 2 girls were from Australia and really nice. And no, they didn't have any males with them...DARN! But they were studying in Ireland and in Barcelona for the weekend. I passed out mid conversation with them. But who could blame me, we'd been on the go since 8!

The next morning we woke up at 7, and headed for our hostel breakfast at 8am. It was a nice spread of toast and cereal and coffee, which was perfect. Lots of coffee, with a side of advil Please! After that we headed to Sagrata Familia, the famous Church in Barcelona started by Gaudi. I had no idea what to expect- except for long lines! I was in for such a treat, including no lines, score! We walked right up, and I was blown away. The building was like nothing I had ever seen. The outside was so detailed and decadent, I felt overstimulated just looking at it.

Then once we walked inside, I honestly became speechless. Which everyone KNOWS is quite a big deal. It was stunning. I was overwhelmed with the beauty and the overall atmosphere of the building. The celings were gigantic, and there was natural light everywhere. It didn't feel real. (I know I am doing the worst job describing it, but there is just no way). It was truly unlike any Church/building I have ever seen or imagined. I could have spent hours there. We walked around the whole interior but unfortunately the towers were closed so we couldn't ride up. I said a couple prayers and sat in awe for a solid 30 minutes. After regrouping, the group headed to the Gaudi museum where we learned about his life, his ingeniousness with architecture, and saw his tomb. It was really awesome. I really would love to learn more about him, I am just fascinated!

We finished the church around 11 and decided to head to the other side of town to visit the picasso museum! Another awesome experience. I studied Picasso in my modern art course at LMU and it was amazing to see the works up close and personal. Again, I was captivated. I looked at every painting possible to see in the museum for at least a couple minutes. I loved loved it!!

After the museum, we headed to the market. At this huuuge market they sell everything from fish to candy to the most delicious fruit smoothies. They are much less thick than a smoothie, but made natural seasonal fruit. 2 for 1 euro! I stuck with the classic, strawberry banana (i mean if you got a good thing why mess it up right?!) But they had some really rad and different ones like guava and starberry, or coconut (gross, right mom?) and lime. We went to this market at least 3 times this trip solely for the delicious juice. Next time, I would definitely buy other things from the market though. They had such a wide selection of everything, and all so fresh!

By the time we did this, the group split up again. Some girls headed to siesta, while myself, Sophie, Clare and Kelsey headed to walk around. We walked into a couple stores and got lost for a little bit. We ended up walking by "Obama's" which actually has a statue of Obama on the inside. It's a weird place though- i'm not sure what to even say about it. It was called "british africa" and there was pictures of slavery and stuff...maybe it was lost in translation. who knows! Anyways- We headed back to the hostel around 6 to get ready for the rest of the night!

After showering and getting ready we headed to grab dinner at a place called "Sandwiches and Friends". Soph and I split a wrap and Caesar salad. It was quick and easy. Around 1130 we headed to meet up with some friends of Amelia who were studying in Barcelona. As it turns out, her friend's roommate, who's name was Jack, knew my old high school friend Talia Borgo. I swear the world is not as big as it seems. In fact, quite small. So anyways, we drank some wine at their apartment and waited to go out. I didn't think I would make it but at around 1:30 AM (nuts) we headed to the opening of a new club called "Privilege". We ended up getting in somehow and bypassing the line and the inside was crazy huge. It was actually a really nice club, compared to some european clubs we've seen. But then again, Barcelona is known for the nightlife, and I can see why. The music was european techno and the lights that were streaming and strobing were sooooo cool! The bar was giant and the chairs and tables were all nice. We headed towards the dance floor (just us girls, we ditched the boys) and started grooving. Somehow, I got pulled up to the stage in the VIP section. Guess I know how to shake my groove thang? haha I'm not sure how it happened, but I was up there. My friends, seeing me up there, climbed up too, only to be kicked off. As badddddly as I wanted to stay and mingle with these VIP's I made the move back to the peasants (JUST KIDDING) to be with my friends. We danced the night away. Sophie and I found this part of the club which played American Top 40 hits and we sang to each other and danced, laughing the entire time. Spanish men are much less forward than Italian men, so I never felt like my personal space was invaded. Around 3:30 we decided to take a taxi home...though most Spaniards were just getting started! I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, naturally! haha. I loved every second, and can't wait to go back to another Barcelona club (in my future visit)

The next morning we woke up early. Let me be frank, this was by the other's girls accord. Had I had it my way, I would have slept till AT LEAST 11. But it was better this way. We had breakfast and headed to the lobby to take our free walking tour of Barcelona, provided by the hostel. After meeting our tour guide, I realized why it was free. Every other word was "like that". After 1 Gaudi building, we peaced out and headed out, determined to make our own tour.

I had to see the beach and so I lead the group towards the water. I WAS SO GLAD TO SEE IT! How I have missed the smell of the ocean! It was beautiful. We wandered around the marina, and eventually made our way to the beach.


We sat for about 45 minutes just talking and taking it all in. The weekend weather was drizzly and overcast, sunny at times, but I didn't care. I just needed to be at the beach.

After our beach sesh, we headed to find Barcelona jerseys because we were going to a Barcelona Football match!!! Which for those of you who didn't know, like myself, Barcelona is one of the best teams in Europe. Everyone in the group wanted the official new jerseys, which run around 50 euro though you can talk them down. They ended up buying a knockoff but cool version for 22, while I opted for a 10 euro scarf which was equally cute and can be used again. I'm thinking of hanging it in my room! When would I ever wear a yellow red and blue jersey? Answer: never.

We grabbed a quick dinner of Kebobs and headed to the game. The subway was completely packed. I have never felt so equated to a sardine. I almost died, I seriously hate crowds. We finally made it and half the girls (the boring-er half) headed inside while Clare, Kelsey, Sophie and I made our way to the bar for some pre-game beers with the locals. All about the culture, we were!

(L-R: Clare, Kelsey, Soph & ME)
After that, we made our way up the stands to the top to our seats! Now in my cute scarf and tank top, I totally looked like I belonged. Except for one thing: at the top of a stadium, it is freezing...has the holiday bowl taught me nothing?! Apparently not. But when we girls were shivering, this amazingly nice Spanish man came down 4 aisles and handed me his puffy jacket. For no reason. I had not made eye contact or even seen the man. Everyone else was jealous and I was baking in that thing! So cool of him. The atmosphere was incredible. Do these people love soccer or what.. It was an awesome game. Everyone was chanting and yelling and it was like a waaaaaaaaay better more engaging and better crowd of a dodger game. oh,  and we won 5-0! It was the perfect way to spend our last night in Barcelona.
As if that is the end of the night. After the game, we went back to the hostel around 11:30. We ate dinner so early (around 4) that we were all starving. So we did what the Spanish would TAPAS! I ordered 3, they were tiny, Don't judge! But so yummy, guacamole/chips, fried shrimp, and chicken skewer. They were all so tiny and cute, I could have eaten 20. But we were on a budget so it worked out fine. Around 1 we decided to head to this bar where they had all these crazy shots! It's what they were known for in the american student tourist crowd. So we did. We arrived at the bar and it was halloween decorated, with the bartenders in costume! Very american feeling. We were all so tired but we agreed we had to try one shot..the boy scout shot. let me explain....

the bartender concocts some sort of alcoholic shot. he then hands you a marshmellow on a skewer. he proceeds to light the bar on fire and directs you to roast the marshmellow. you then stick the burning marshmellow into the shot (for flavour I'm assuming?).You then eat the marshmellow and then take the shot. like a boy scout! CRAZY RIGHT!?
 trust me, we were all just as stunned as you are. it was awesome! they have other crazy shots, like the monica lowinski (involving whipped cream and other inappropriate items), a harry potter shot (which i was dying to take but i didn't have it in me) and other shots which are lit on fire, which to me seems a bit much, but hey, when in barcelona! With the combo of the game and the beers, plus knowing we had an 11am flight, we called it a night! Another instant sleep, and before I knew it, it was back to Firenze.

I loved Barcelona, truly my favorite city.

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